The Defense Base Act Appeals Process
An injured worker has the right to challenge or “appeal” any Defense Base Act matter, including a denial of benefits, discontinuation of benefits, or the amount of benefits.
The US Department of Labor Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers Defense Base Act cases. The OWCP provides mediation services in which to informally resolve disagreements.
There are several steps a worker can go through to appeal DBA claims, listed below. The process can be tedious, confusing and very time consuming. Restrictions and difficulties imposed by communications, distance, and access to remote locations can make the appeals process even more difficult.
Talking to a specialized Defense Base Act attorney immediately following your injury helps make sure that you will receive all of the benefits you are entitled to as an overseas employee.
Hiring a Defense Base Act attorney is completely FREE. This is because you are legally entitled to have your lawyer fees paid by the insurance company, once approved by the United States Department of Labor.
Our experienced Defense Base Act attorneys will ensure that you receive the maximum benefits to which you are entitled, to provide you with care, an income & peace of mind during your recovery process.